
Welcome to AniMan+! Your central source for everything anime and manga! Hosted by Alex Light from SparkE3. Alongside him are his trusty co-hosts, Zach and Josh! We do reviews on weekly episodes of a wide range of series as well as chapter ratings for new manga chapters every week (Nonspoiler for chapters, don't worry!) We also sometimes create ranking lists based on a various set of topics. Favorite arcs, top deaths, favorite characters and more to come! We also do series breakdown for old and new series! One goal we have is to find the next big hit before its the next big hit! Couple of notable hits we've had is Kaiju No. 8 and Phantom Seer, both of which we've read since chapter 1! We strive to create the best anime/manga podcast in the world. You come here and you won't be disappointed! (Podcast hosted by SparkE3 Media)